St Michel Madeleine ice cream

St Michel Madeleine ice cream

St Michel Madeleine ice cream

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Who wants ice cream!?
Try our new home-made recipe: St Michel Madeleine ice cream 🍦🏖️😎.

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********************* (Recipe details) *********************

Home-made St Michel Madeleine ice cream
Dessert for 4 pers – 30 min preparation – 10 min cooking – 8 hours chilling – Easy recipe

• 4/5 St Michel Madeleines
• 500ml of whole milk
• 250ml of double cream
• 4 or 5 egg yolks (depending on the size of the eggs)
• 160g of caster sugar

1/ In a saucepan, bring the milk to the boil before removing from the heat, drop in two madeleines cut in half and infuse, covered.
2/ Whisk the sugar with the egg yolks and pour the warm milk onto this mixture (remove the madeleines first).
3/ Return to the stove and cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly. The milk will begin to thicken.
As soon as the mixture coats the back of a spoon, remove from the heat.
4/ Pour the mixture into a bowl, and mix in the cream. Allow to cool completely before putting into the refrigerator. Ensure the preparation is covered with cling film, with the film directly on the surface of the cream.
5/ If you have an ice cream maker, pour the cold preparation into it and roughly break up 2 madeleines before adding them to the mix. Churn according to the machine’s instructions until the ice cream is set.
6/ If you don’t have one, pour the mixture into a baking tray covered in cling film and place in the freezer. You’ll need to stir the mixture every three hours, and let it set for at least a day. For this method, add the madeleines with the first mix.

Tip: You can also use a mixture of yoghurt and milk for this ice cream. If so, you will not need to use any eggs.
A teaspoon of cinnamon powder will work well with the recipe, too.


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