Califood SARL

Califood SARL

Califood SARL

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Califood SARL

Our Strawberry Jam surely knows how to bring out the #best of a #dessert by adding a captivating touch of #pleasure to the #sweetest#treat. Share with us what’s your favorite pancakes topping? 🍓

Call us: +961 5 815 815



Califood SARL

It’s that perfect time of the year to enjoy the outdoors in a natural set up with delightful snacks made by our Fiber + Toast. Tag the friends you’d like to plan a picnic with! #equialebanon

Call us: 05 815 815


Califood SARL

Carry the refreshing taste of Summer wherever you go and indulge in a healthy exotic getaway bite with our No Added Sugar Coconut Bar! ☀️🌴🌰

Call us: 05 815 815



Califood SARL

The greatest way to start your day is by having a bowl of high nutritional value with our Gluten Free Corn Flakes that will give you that energy boost you need for a smooth day! ☀️🍽☕️

Call us: 05 815 815




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